Recent Property
These are the latest properties in the Sales category. You can create the list using the “latest listing shortcode” and show items by specific categories.
Nadeem Elite Tower | 4 & 5 Rooms Execut...
Saima Jinnah Mall and Residence | 5 and 6 Ro...
Saima Waterfront Apartments | 1, 2, 3 &...
Bin Ahsan | Green City Phase -1 | Residentia...
Saima Greens | 4,5 & 6 Rooms Apartments...
Paari Palace | 3, 4, 5 and 6 Rooms Apartment
China Great Wall and Residency | 2,3,4 and 5...
Burj Ul Haram – 2, 3, and 4 Rooms Apar...
Saima Paari Avenue | 4, 5 & 6 ROOM EXEC...
Investment opportunity
These are the latest properties in the Rentals category displayed using the latest properties slider shortcode (we show only 6 items, but you can show more)
featured properties
These are the latest properties in the Sales category. You can create the list using the “latest listing shortcode” and show items by specific categories.
Saima Paari Classic
special deals
These are the latest properties in the Sales category. You can create the list using the “latest listing shortcode” and show items by specific categories.